Developer Links
The Official OpenGL Homepage The Official OpenGL Homepage
OpenGL is an open, vendor-neutral, multi-platform graphics standard, which is guided by an independent consortuim, the OpenGL Architecture Review Board

Open Inventor Open Inventor
Open Inventor is a full-featured object-oriented framework for building interactive 3D graphics applications.

Open Inventor Win32 port Open Inventor Win32 port
The original open source version from SGI has been ported to Win32 platforms by the Studierstube of the Vienna Technical University.

Coin3D Coin3D
Coin is an alternative implementation of the Open Inventor API. Among other things, the Coin3D group provides SoQT , a GUI binding for Qt, which is required by OpenQVis. Additionally, these guys are really doing a great job with the support!

Trolltech Qt Trolltech Qt
Qt is a C++ toolkit for application development. The Qt library encapsulates the different APIs of different operating systems, providing the application programmer with a single, common API for all operating systems.
Research Links
Computer Graphics Group, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany Computer Graphics Group, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
The computer graphics group in Erlangen is doing research in the field of high-quality volume rendering on commodity graphics hardware . Through their cooperation with the university hospital in Erlangen, they have gained practical experience in volume visualization of medical data.

VIS Group, University of Stuttgart, Germany VIS Group, University of Stuttgart, Germany
The Visualization and Interactive Systems Group in Stuttgart is working on research projects in the field of scientific visualization. They have developed the idea of pre-integration, a concept which precomputes the integral of light transfer for small ray segments. (See Klaus Engel's website for details)
Conferences and Tutorials
SIGGRAPH is the premier annual conference for researchers, developers, and practitioners in computer graphics and interactive techniques. At SIGGRAPH 2002 in San Antoinio, we have organized a tutorial on high-quality volume graphics on consumer PC hardware. Course material is available at Joe Kniss' website

Eurographics Eurographics
Eurographics is the the annual conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics. In 2002, we have presented a tutorial on Programmable Graphics Hardware for Interactive Visualization

IEEE Visualization Conference IEEE Visualization Conference
IEEE Visualization is the annual conference for visualization innovations, that brings together practitioners, professionals, and researchers from diverse areas such as information visualization, bio-informatics, medical sciences, bio-technology, engineering, and computer graphics. In October 2002, we have organized a tutorial on volume graphics Course material is available at Joe Kniss' website